Scareground by Angela Kecojevic- Blog Tour!

Hi everyone,

It feels so weird to be posting on this blog again. I don’t think I have done a post in quite a few months😲🙈.

I really hope I can get back into posting properly again soon because I do miss it!

Someone remind me how to write a review🤣.


Roll up, roll up, the Scareground is in town!

Twelve-year-old Nancy Crumpet lives above a bakery and her life is a delightful mix of flour, salt, and love.

Yet her mind is brimming with questions no one can answer: Why did her birth parents disappear? Why can she speak with the sky? And why must she keep her mysterious birthmark hidden?

Everything changes when the Scareground returns to Greenwich. When Nancy and her best friend meet the fair’s spooky owner, Skelter, and discover a world full of dark magic and mystery, she must confront her greatest fears to get to the truth. But is Nancy ready for the secrets the Scareground will reveal? for all the secrets the Scareground will reveal?


I seem to have forgotten how to write reviews so if anyone can send help that would be great😁


Where do I start?

There are so many things that I could say about this book. For one how much it surprised me. If I’m being honest I wasn’t going to sign up for this tour as the word horror put me off. But I read the synopsis and it did catch my interest. The fact that it was middle grade may have been the thing that swayed me to pick this up the most though.

As for what I thought about the book itself, the first thing I have to say is that the atmosphere is incredible! Angela did an amazing job at creating a mystery and eerie ness surrounding the scareground. It felt like a real place to me I could picture it so well. I just had to find out more and I was on the edge of my seat for near enough the entirety of the book, so much so I couldn’t put it down. I remember sitting down to read a few chapters and ended up reading about 12 hehe.

Nancy was a really interesting character who wants to know the secrets of her past and where she comes from. She has two best friends one of them is Arthur, who was a good friend to Nancy and the other is the sky, which I found so interesting and I hope we get more on that in the second book (I hope there is a second book?!) I also loved that we get to discover the secrets surrounding Nancy’s childhood with her, but the more she digs, the more questions that arise and I just kept flipping the pages so fast.

I really enjoyed the ending and like I said, I hope there is a book 2 because I need to know more! If you love middle grade horror that has great characters, lots of atmosphere, and a mystery that makes you constantly flip the pages then you should pick up scareground. In fact even if it doesn’t immediately sound like something you would pick up (like I did), you should still pick this up. You won’t be disappointed, it is a book that can be enjoyed by anyone of any age and I hope it captivates you like it did me.

ROLL UP, ROLL UP! Welcome to the Scareground, watch out for the slugs!

Author bio:

Angela Kecojevic is a senior librarian, author and creative writing tutor. She has written for the Oxford Reading Tree programme and the multi-award-winning adventure park Hobbledown where her characters can be seen walking around, something she still finds incredibly charming! She is a member of the Climate Writers Fiction League, a group of international authors who use climate issues in their work. Angela lives in the city of Oxford with her family.

Purchase links:

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Thank you so much for reading!