🎄The ‘I should of read that’ book tag!🎄

Hey everyone!

Today I realised that I haven’t posted anything since last Wednesday which is weird for me. So I decided to post two things today partially because my WWW Wednesday post shows how little I have been reading and whilst I was writing it out there was so little I could say so I decided to do a tag post also. Hope you enjoy it!

I have been tagged by the lovely Becky and Forbooksake to do the ‘I should have read that book’ tag. Thank you so much to both of you for tagging me!

This tag was created by the amazing Beth @ Books Nest.

The rules:

thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post

-link to the creators blog on your post (booknest.co.uk

-answer the questions below

-tag 10 other to join the tag



1. A book that a certain friend is always telling you to read.

Hmmm… I can’t think of any of the top of my head because there are so many, I get recommended books all the time and then I forget about them🤦‍♀️. It’s the same with books I find for myself, I read a synopsis of a book and think to myself ‘you absolutely have to read this it is so something you will enjoy’ and then never get around to it! Im pretty sure this is not just me though😂. However, AM from Bookishcreation is always telling me to read something/ anything JR Ward which I really need to start reading🤣.

2. A book that has been on your tbr forever and yet you still haven’t picked it up.

For this one Its definitely forsaken by Jana Oliver I had owned and had this book on my tbr for nearly 5 years🤦‍♀️, but I could of chosen from a list of about 50-100 books. The pillars of the earth by Ken follett is a book that has been on my tbr forever also that I haven’t picked up because it is 1,000+ pages and I’m to terrified to pick it up. There are loads!

3. A book in a series you have started, but haven’t gotten around to finishing yet.

This one could also be one of many. I’m probably going to get told off for a few of these but I still haven’t read books 2 and 3 in the infernal devices series and… I don’t think I ever will. I liked clockwork angel but not enough to really want to pick up the next book in the series. I think I just missed the hype on this trilogy and the mortal instruments series🙈🤷‍♀️. Another series I haven’t gotten around to finishing yet is throne of glass and I don’t think I will ever finish this series either. I have the assassins blade and throne of glass 5 stars, I really enjoyed them, but I have seen and heard so many spoilers for the rest of the books I already know most of what happens without having the need to read them all (sorry not sorry😆).

4. A classic you have always liked the sound of, but never actually read.

Strangely I have read all of the classics that I have liked the sound of. Some even books I didn’t like the sound of that I read in school. If anyone knows some less popular or unheard of classics (is that a thing, I don’t know) then let me know.

5. A popular book that it seems everyone but you has read.

Ermmm… there are so many😂😂. I am so behind on popular books and new releases it’s terrible. Some examples would be mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, the kingkiller chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss (i really want to read these soon), the first law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie which I really want to get to soon/any Joe Abercrombie book and there are so many more.

6. A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but you just haven’t read it yet.

This one was a lot harder to answer because I either love the film/ tv adaptation and therefore tend to not like the book or I love the book and hate the film/ tv adaptation. One example of when I actually liked both book and tv show was a discovery of witches by Deborah hardness (which I am still ‘patiently’ waiting for a season 2 of), but I don’t think I have watched many film or tv adaptation that I haven’t read the book of.

7. A book you see all over Instagram, but haven’t picked up yet.

I don’t actually have Instagram so I have no idea what books are all over Instagram although I can guess that most of them are popular ones that are seen all over everywhere. If any has seen any books all over Instagram that they think are worth picking up let me know!

I tag:





Nen and Jen

And anyone else who would like to do this tag!

Thank you so much for reading!